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I know why the caged bird singsAngelou, Maya. 1928- KindredButler, Octavia E. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass an ...Douglass, Frederick, 1818-... PassingLarsen, Nella, author. Post-traumatic : a novelJohnson, Chantal V., autho... A raisin in the sunHansberry, Lorraine, 1930-... Red at the boneWoodson, Jacqueline, autho... Rest is resistance : a manifestoHersey, Tricia, author. The souls of black folk : with "The talented te...Du Bois, W. E. B. (William... Their eyes were watching GodHurston, Zora Neale. The three mothers : how the mothers of Martin L...Tubbs, Anna Malaika, autho... The vanishing halfBennett, Brit, author. What's mine and yours : a novelCoster, Naima, 1986- autho... Fairy Tales Aren't Just for Kids Beastly beautyDonnelly, Jennifer, author... A blade so blackMcKinney, L. L. (Leatrice ... The bone spindleVedder, Leslie, author. BravelyStiefvater, Maggie, 1981- ... Cinderella is deadBayron, Kalynn, author. CursesMcBride, Lish, author. Defy the nightKemmerer, Brigid, author. DragonfruitLucier, Makiia, author. A drop of venomPatel, Sajni, 1981- author... House of salt and sorrowsCraig, Erin A., author. Iron widowZhao, Xiran Jay, author. Magic has no borders Of curses and kissesMenon, Sandhya, author. Our vengeful soulsMcManus, Kristi, author. RavensongFay, Cayla, author. Silver in the bone.Bracken, Alexandra, author... Skin of the seaBowen, Natasha, author. Snow & poisonDe la Cruz, Melissa, 1971-... Song of silver, flame like nightZhao, AmЃelie Wen, author. This woven kingdomMafi, Tahereh, author. Celebrate International Day of Girls and Women in Science Breaking through : my life in scienceKarikó, Katalin, author. Broad band : the untold story of the women who ...Evans, Claire Lisa, author... The code breaker : Jennifer Doudna, gene editin...Isaacson, Walter, author. FiguringPopova, Maria, author. Finding the mother tree : discovering the wisdo...Simard, S. (Suzanne), auth... Galaxy girls : 50 amazing stories of women in s...Jackson, Libby, 1981- auth... Headstrong : 52 women who changed science-- and...Swaby, Rachel. The immortal life of Henrietta LacksSkloot, Rebecca, 1972- No one is too small to make a differenceThunberg, Greta, 2003- aut... Nobel Prize women in science : their lives, str...McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch. Remember : the science of memory and the art of...Genova, Lisa, author. Revolutionary women : 50 women of color who rei...Shen, Ann, author. Weapons of math destruction : how big data incr...O'Neil, Cathy, author. The woman who smashed codes : a true story of l...Fagone, Jason, author. Women in science : 50 fearless pioneers who cha...Ignotofsky, Rachel, 1989- ... Pet-tastic Books! 8 class pets + 1 squirrel [divided by] 1 dog = ...Vande Velde, Vivian. Ada Magnífica y las mascotas desaparecidasBeaty, Andrea, author. Bunnicula : the graphic novelHowe, James, 1946- author. Can't get enough cat stuff : fun facts, awesome...Grunbaum, Mara, author. Cat and catCazenove, 1969- author. Flubby does not like snowMorris, J. E. (Jennifer E.... El hámster de la princesa CrisetaCabrera, Aleix. Haven : a small cat's big adventureLloyd, Megan Wagner, autho... Hugs for PugLong, Ethan, author. Invent-a-petFang, Vicky, author. Jobs with animalsGagne, Tammy, author. Junie B. Jones smells something fishyPark, Barbara. LostStaake, Bob, 1957- author. Mascotas alrededor del mundoDuffield, Katy, author. Matemáticas con mascotas = math with petsRomaine, Claire, author. Mi perro solo habla españolCáceres, Andrea, author, ... Mister Kitty is lost!Pizzoli, Greg, author, ill... Norman : one amazing goldfish!Bennett, Kelly, author. La nueva cachorraBell, Kristen, 1980- autho... Peanut, butter, & crackersBraddock, Paige, author. Perla, the mighty dogAllende, Isabel, author. Pet paradeMeadows, Daisy. Pete's pet peacockBureau, Vicky, author. Pets : a can-you-find-it bookKukla, Lauren, author. Pickles el cerdito muy hambrientoHarrington, Claudia, 1957-... Shelby's story : a dog's way home taleCameron, W. Bruce, author. Taking care of your sea monsterBraun, Eric, 1971- author,... These are my petsMayer, Mercer, 1943- autho... We want a dogCole, Lo, author, illustra... The world's best class plantScanlon, Liz Garton, autho... Inauguration Day American carnage : on the front lines of the Re...Alberta, Tim, author. American woman : the transformation of the mode...Rogers, Katie (Journalist)... Born Trump : inside America's first familyFox, Emily Jane, author. The Constitution explained : a guide for every ...Hudson, David L., 1969- au... Dinner with the president : food, politics, and...Prud'homme, Alex, author. Front row at the Trump showKarl, Jonathan, 1968- auth... The hardest job in the world : the American pre...Dickerson, John, 1968- aut... The Hill We Climb An Inaugural Poem for the Cou...Gorman, Amanda. Life after power : seven presidents and their s...Cohen, Jared, 1981- author... MelaniaTrump, Melania, 1970- auth... Melania and me [CD] the rise and fall of my fri...Wolkoff, Stephanie Winston... Mi nombre es nosotrosGorman, Amanda, 1998- auth... Office of the presidentPerritano, John, author. The plot against the president : the true story...Smith, Lee, 1962- author. The president's speech : the stories behind the...Vilade, C. Edwin. Who could ever love you : a family memoirTrump, Mary L., author You can't spell America without me : the really...Baldwin, Alec, 1958- autho... Reader It's Cold Out There Captain America. [DVD] The Winter Soldier A Christmas deliverance : a novelPerry, Anne, author. A Cold Creek HolidayThayne, RaeAnne. Cold fireHilton, Matt, 1966- author... Cold Mountain [DVD] Cold paradiseWoods, Stuart. Cold pursuit [DVD] Cold victory : a novelMarlantes, Karl, author. Dead of winterJones, Stephen Mack, autho... The dead of winter : three Giordano Bruno novel...Parris, S. J., 1974- autho... Five Tuesdays in winter : storiesKing, Lily, author. Midwinter murder : fireside tales from the quee...Christie, Agatha, 1890-197... One day in DecemberSilver, Josie, author. The revenant [DVD] The secret of snowShipman, Viola, author. Snow angels The Thing [DVD] Winter counts : a novelWeiden, David Heska Wanbli... Winter love story; and; A winter princess [DVD] Winter moon : a novelKoontz, Dean R. (Dean Ray)... Winter waterJansson, Susanne, author. Winter workFesperman, Dan, 1955- auth... Winter's bone [DVD] Winter's end : a mysteryShelton, Paige, author. Winter's orbitMaxwell, Everina, author.